April 30, 2007

Orion Botanica

I was at a friend's house recently and noticed a sweet smell in the air all day that I couldn't locate the source of...I kept wondering what she had made for dessert...8) It wasn't until later than I noticed a diffuser on the top shelf of a bookcase in the living room. I have purchased them before, but had never really loved the scents. It turns out my friend had purchased from Orion Botanica...the "sugar" scent! Aside from the sweet perfume that permeated her home, the bottle was quite beautiful...as is the packaging! Take a look at their online store, they also carry Potpourri, candles, as well as linen and room sprays.

As an added plus, if you purchase the Home Perfume Diffuser, a $5 donation is made to Breast Cancer Research.

April 27, 2007

My Favorites on Etsy Day # 4

Ok...so moving on to bags. I have this issue...I always WANT them...and then I end up buying them...and then I have SO MANY I never know which ones I want to use! Really...most of them are the smaller ones. All handmade...which is easy beacause I can rationalize this by saying to myself, "Kristen...you are supporting other Indie artists like yourself...". And therein lies the problem...there is no bad side to buying these bags...and the outcome? No more paycheck! lol...Check out these awesome favs:

Bella Sera Baby
"Aspen Messenger" $94

(All photos are property of the artisans above.)

April 26, 2007

My Favorites on Etsy Day # 3

So now I think I can move on from the jewelry for a bit...into the hair accessories...that's not to say I may not return to jewelry...but for now...I'll try to resist it for a bit! Here are my picks for hair accessories...starting with me, actually wearing one of them from Saltygal on Etsy...my favorite place to find a headband or hair tie to tame my wild curls!

April 25, 2007

My Favorites on Etsy Day # 2

So, the selfish virtual shopping spree continues...today we will explore some necklaces I am addicted to...I do mostly have a jewelry fetish, but my love of all things handmade does lead me into bags, and shoes and MANY other things....as we will see! Here are my choices for today...feedback is always welcome!

April 24, 2007

My Favorites on Etsy Day # 1

If you are like me, then you are a hopeless shopaholic with a penchant for anything that speaks to you, who has an endless Etsy Wishlist and eclectic taste! Lol, in a nutshell this week is going to be a completely selfish bunch of posts. I am going to post some of the things on my Etsy Wishlist!! There are many things so I apologize ahead of time, I figure tho, if I can't buy them yet, and someone else snatches them up...we all win! (except I'll likely cry if some of these things are truly gone!! lol)

We will begin with the following items...I'll try to keep them in order or by topic or at least groups that make sense...8) Let me know if you agree with my choices! It's so much fun to share!!

Down To The Wire Designs
"Sterling Lined Hoops with Balls" $32

Down To The Wire Designs
(yeah I know...same designer...I can't help it tho..LOOK AT THEM!!!)
"Small Sterling Hoops with 14k Granules" $42

Ok...maybe just one more.....8)

Disco Medusa
"Simple Circle Earrings" $26

(All photos belong to the artists listed above.)

April 23, 2007

My apologies...

I apologize for missing my Monday morning post...I actually have a whole Etsy favorites theme planned...which I will resume tommorrow...but today I had a truly special event! My friends Bill & Kim had their first child today, and I was lucky enough to be in the room with Kim when she gave birth. It was truly one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life! Here is a photo of their beautiful baby below.

Her name is Cyan...she weighs 7lbs 6oz and was 19.5 inches long!! Isn't she beautiful???

April 20, 2007

Andria Renee!

I have been looking for some nice leather cuffs lately...aside from the trend, I like the ease of a snap! And I found some really well made beautiful ones this past weekend at www.AndriaRenee.com. There are lots of styles, and she also does great printed belt buckles! Stop by and take a look:

April 19, 2007

Nooworks Black Forest

I happened to be browsing about the American Heart Association when I found my next pick. On a more personal note, my father has had numerous heart problems, starting with 6 bypass surgery when he was only 42, to more recently at 67 having both his mitral and aortic valves replaced. It was grueling sitting there for 8 hours...but it paid off, he is healthier and happier today thanks to what the doctors are capable of doing. They can only do so much research and develop so many procedures thanks to numerous donations to their cause. So...to make that long story make sense...Nooworks has a Black Forest collection and one of their feature items is a "Heart Pattern Sweatshirt". 10% of all of the sales from this sweatshirt are donated to the American Heart Association. It just struck a chord with me, and I was compelled to feature this item! Not only does it donate some of your dollars to a good cause...but you will incidentally look pretty cool wearing it!! They are offered in teal on brown and teal on grey. You should also check out the rest of the shop, as there are some seriously awesome t-shirts for both men and woman!!! Please take a look at a shop whose"heart" is in the right place:

April 18, 2007

Circa Ceramics on Etsy!

I love nothing more that sitting at a coffee shop and spending some good time with a particular friend of mine, and these darling "Flora Espresso Cups" from Circa Ceramics are reminding me to call him!!! Beautifully crafted with black and white flower designs for spring, they are a great gift as well as a selfish little indulgence! Take time out for yourself to enjoy and relax a little and don't forget to check out Circa Ceramics on Etsy!

"Flora Espresso Cups" set of 2 $60

(All photos property of Circa Ceramics.)

April 17, 2007

Happy Tiers!

There's nothing more rewarding than having people you love over for a gathering and cooking for them! The most fun part for me (aside from seeing friends & family of course) is making the table pretty. From the plates to the centerpiece to the napkins etc...I MUST have a pretty table! It is a tradition in my family handed down to me from my mother. I was browsing around and happened across the Happy Tiers collection and thought...I could make SUCH a pretty table with these! You can use them for cakes, cookies, muffins, cupcakes....anything! And you can stack them for that "Martha Stewart" dessert look...8) Please check out the online shop, there are so many it's hard to choose ranging from about $8.00 to $17.00!

April 16, 2007

Iza Bella

Ok, I don't have children yet, but when I do and when god willing I have a girl...I am going to outfit my child in Iza Bella!!! From the chic separates with all the ruffles and flowers you would want...to the elegant and beautiful wrap dresses, and the gauchos...your little girl will be decked out in adorable-ness! Please stop by and check out the shop, they also have a sister store called Madie Jane...so as my mother used to say...if one is good 2 is better!!!

"Bianca Wrap Dress" $70-$72
"Emiliana Halter Top" $28
Emiliana Cuffed Shorts" $28-$30

(All photos property of Iza Bella)

April 13, 2007

Soleil Rouge

Ok, I am forever looking for clothing that is bold and beautiful and different...and there are so many talented people with needles out there now, that it's easier to find something than it used to be...but sometimes you come across a certain piece that just makes you WANT IT. Point blank, this Libbie Dress from Soleil Rouge is it for me! From the simple slit collar to the straight lines and retro cut, it makes me WISH I could wear it! Not for the faint of heart the pink and black Libbie dress is a bold statement, and definitely begs "look at ME". I am heartfelt in saying that I am jealous of the woman who eventually owns, and sports this piece!!! Take a look:

"Libbie" $104

(Photo property of www.soleilrouge.com.)

April 12, 2007

Gifts Define!

If you are looking for some of the seriously CUTEST handmade little stuffed animal friends for your little one...or perhaps a little one you know and love...you MUST check out Gifts Define! Their tagline is "Unique Loveable InDOLLgences", and they mean it.

From the custom named dolls for birthdays, to the adorable baby dolls and animal friends...you simply can't resist! You can attach them to your bag, or just let them hang out on your desk...there are also fun options for party favors, or table decor for a birthday party! I have picked my favorites below...not to say there aren't MORE favorites on the site...but I went with these for now:

April 10, 2007

Miss Alison!

I am sooo excited about this next find! How many times do you lose all the little things you have in your bag...or your car? Or on your desk? How many times do you wish you had a little back up purse when you went shopping...to throw all your cards and coupons in? And don't you always just wish it was the CUTEST DARN purse in the world? Well...now it can be...just go and see Miss Alison! I am ALWAYS looking for a small zipper pouch for just about everything...I carry them all over the place with me, there are multiples in my car, and in my house containing everything from lipstick to jewelry to coupons! It's just so eay to pick one up and go!

I LOVE the less is more approach that Alison uses. The bright colors and the contrasting stitches, and the perfect use of shapes! They are fun, and fabulous and deserve some attention! Please check out her website and see for yourself. There's more on there too, Miss Alison also makes belts and wallets...in case you were wondering!

April 09, 2007

Jewelry & Objects by Simone Walsh

I was looking for some flowering things, feeling like it was too cold here again to be spring...and I came across Simone Walsh. Her jewelry is light and feminine and earthy all at the same time. I love the simple delicate details her pieces have, and the clean lines and textures. I could easily see myself wearing many of the pieces and definitely would think of them for a gift or two! Please visit her shop and take a look at my personal favorites below!

April 06, 2007

KILN Design Studio

I was searching for a new red bathroom set, since giving up on updating the white tiles in my bathroom...and I came across the KILN Desgin Studio on Etsy! The sleek and modern pieces accented with stainless steel caught my eye. I love the simple wholeness about the round shapes. They would be perfect in the new white, black and red bathroom!
Check out their Etsy Shop!
"Stainless Steel and Enamel Four Piece Bath Set" $80

(Photo property of KILN Design Studio.)

April 05, 2007

Steel Toe Studios

Everyone loves a great belt! I came across Steel Toe Studios on Indie Shopping, and they have so many styles to choose from I'm stumped. Aside from the work which is gritty and industrial in all of the good ways, the site itself is fun to navigate. You get to a page with a belt graphic, and you can select each buckle and see what it would look like on the belt! It's hard not to look at them all! I am partial to the ones below, but go see for yourself:

April 04, 2007

Fine Art Photography by Irene Suchocki

I am always looking for new artwork for my home. It seems with every season I want to brighten up my world with pieces for that time of year! And it's so easy to rotate artwork...just take one down and put another up. I came across Irene Suchocki on Etsy and he work is so quiet and other worldly, that it really caught my eye. Her use of not only color, but textures and different focal planes makes your eye travel from form to form effortlessly. Please take a moment to view some of her works. She is an award winning photographer, who has recently been published in Life Magazine. Her Esty shop is a gallery of delightful works!

April 03, 2007

Ah Jewelry!

If you are looking for something a little "flighty" this Spring, I think I may have found your new addiction at Ah Jewelry. These birdy earrings from Ah Jewelry are the best of both worlds, while big and bold but also light and comfy they are easy to wear and make a unique statement for day or nighttime wear. Colorful and well balanced on the ear, the only downside is they're pretty delicate, no shoving these in your pocket or your purse!! The "Tusk" neckalces are also fun and flirty while walking a little on your wild side...take a peek, there's plenty to choose from, necklaces, and earrings to float into Springtime with!