April 10, 2007

Miss Alison!

I am sooo excited about this next find! How many times do you lose all the little things you have in your bag...or your car? Or on your desk? How many times do you wish you had a little back up purse when you went shopping...to throw all your cards and coupons in? And don't you always just wish it was the CUTEST DARN purse in the world? Well...now it can be...just go and see Miss Alison! I am ALWAYS looking for a small zipper pouch for just about everything...I carry them all over the place with me, there are multiples in my car, and in my house containing everything from lipstick to jewelry to coupons! It's just so eay to pick one up and go!

I LOVE the less is more approach that Alison uses. The bright colors and the contrasting stitches, and the perfect use of shapes! They are fun, and fabulous and deserve some attention! Please check out her website and see for yourself. There's more on there too, Miss Alison also makes belts and wallets...in case you were wondering!

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