April 30, 2007

Orion Botanica

I was at a friend's house recently and noticed a sweet smell in the air all day that I couldn't locate the source of...I kept wondering what she had made for dessert...8) It wasn't until later than I noticed a diffuser on the top shelf of a bookcase in the living room. I have purchased them before, but had never really loved the scents. It turns out my friend had purchased from Orion Botanica...the "sugar" scent! Aside from the sweet perfume that permeated her home, the bottle was quite beautiful...as is the packaging! Take a look at their online store, they also carry Potpourri, candles, as well as linen and room sprays.

As an added plus, if you purchase the Home Perfume Diffuser, a $5 donation is made to Breast Cancer Research.

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