April 19, 2007

Nooworks Black Forest

I happened to be browsing about the American Heart Association when I found my next pick. On a more personal note, my father has had numerous heart problems, starting with 6 bypass surgery when he was only 42, to more recently at 67 having both his mitral and aortic valves replaced. It was grueling sitting there for 8 hours...but it paid off, he is healthier and happier today thanks to what the doctors are capable of doing. They can only do so much research and develop so many procedures thanks to numerous donations to their cause. So...to make that long story make sense...Nooworks has a Black Forest collection and one of their feature items is a "Heart Pattern Sweatshirt". 10% of all of the sales from this sweatshirt are donated to the American Heart Association. It just struck a chord with me, and I was compelled to feature this item! Not only does it donate some of your dollars to a good cause...but you will incidentally look pretty cool wearing it!! They are offered in teal on brown and teal on grey. You should also check out the rest of the shop, as there are some seriously awesome t-shirts for both men and woman!!! Please take a look at a shop whose"heart" is in the right place:

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