April 24, 2007

My Favorites on Etsy Day # 1

If you are like me, then you are a hopeless shopaholic with a penchant for anything that speaks to you, who has an endless Etsy Wishlist and eclectic taste! Lol, in a nutshell this week is going to be a completely selfish bunch of posts. I am going to post some of the things on my Etsy Wishlist!! There are many things so I apologize ahead of time, I figure tho, if I can't buy them yet, and someone else snatches them up...we all win! (except I'll likely cry if some of these things are truly gone!! lol)

We will begin with the following items...I'll try to keep them in order or by topic or at least groups that make sense...8) Let me know if you agree with my choices! It's so much fun to share!!

Down To The Wire Designs
"Sterling Lined Hoops with Balls" $32

Down To The Wire Designs
(yeah I know...same designer...I can't help it tho..LOOK AT THEM!!!)
"Small Sterling Hoops with 14k Granules" $42

Ok...maybe just one more.....8)

Disco Medusa
"Simple Circle Earrings" $26

(All photos belong to the artists listed above.)

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